Velocity is the essence of life … the very essence of life. Part of velocity involves how quickly your mind is running and how rapidly your being is moving in its learning progressions through life. The more quickly you go, the more you can see and be aware of, the more energy you have access to, and the higher you can go.
Consider, that all life, physical or non-physical, is defined by its rate of vibration, or the velocity of its motion (its sound). The physical world is vibrating, hypothetically, at a rate of 1,000 vibrations a second, plus or minus 500 vibrations per second (vps). As long as your consciousness is operating at 1,000 vps or within the 500 vps variance of that, you can focus on the physical world. The numbers are hypothetical, as I have no way to measure the frequencies involved, but the variances are close and are representative of the way the inner realms work.
Your conscious velocity can be down at 500 vps and you can still be aware and live in the physical world. Or you can be at 1,500 vps and live and function in the physical world. If you look around, you see people operating at both extremes. Those operating at the high end are bright and alive. Their eyes are alive. The people who are at the low end are dull and have little going in their favor. High energy gives a brightness, alertness, and depth to the eyes.
As you go up, the spiritual realms vibrate at higher and higher rates, and the velocity of your consciousness must increase accordingly in order for you to experience them. The variance of conscious velocity required becomes smaller and smaller, and it becomes very important to be able to fine tune your consciousness to the region you are attempting to have experience in.
Human consciousness normally runs hypothetically at 1,000 vps. Some people are comfortable moving spiritually at that speed. There is little pressure to move faster. For those who do wish to move along a little faster, there are techniques available on the planet that can increase conscious velocity a little. Relaxation techniques and meditations that take you above the mind allow more energy to run into the conscious part of your being. More energy means that more velocity is available.
Increasing Velocity
Only sound current meditation has the potential to make consciousness run at light speeds. When you meditate and practice these techniques, you learn to control your emotional structure. This allows you to increase your capacity to handle more and more conscious energy. In that process you get access to higher and higher levels of consciousness and awareness. This is what we mean by spiritual growth.
Sound current, conscious energy is accumulative. The more you have the more you can have. The more you have the more you can have. The more you can have the more you can hold. The more you can hold, the more you have access to, etc. Sound current, the ringing tone everyone hears, is the secret key to the greater life. The secret power to move vertically in the heaven worlds is offered to you in every moment of life, it is the power that lights your consciousness even as you read these words.
When you start increasing and controlling your own energy, spiritual lessons come faster. You also have much more ability to comprehend the lessons. Many of the lessons that had been slated to happen during your physical life can come to you in meditation. You start living more in your eternal being than in your temporal mind body. You realize your immediate potential in the divine scheme, and where you will function as a divine being in your own right. Velocity makes it possible to do this in one lifetime.
Attitude: The Key to a Vertical Progression
If you determine that more velocity would be desirable in your life, you must now consider how essential control of your direction is. Velocity will get you somewhere quickly, but where? What are you looking at? Where are you going?
We compare meditating in our system to flying an airplane. Learning to fly an airplane is a step-by-step procedure. You must first get introduced to the airplane, which in the beginning is your mind. You get up above that very quickly. Next you must learn to start the engine. When this happens, you are very much aware of it happening as you meditate.
Learning how the engine runs and how to control it are the most important things in learning to fly. Once you have the engine under control, you can learn how to get the airplane out on the active runway (the one you take off from), and then how to take off. Before you start flying you must learn how to avoid crashing and how to find nice places to land.
At the point when you actually begin to fly, navigation becomes critical. The higher you go in your machine, spiritual or physical, the greater your perspective or visual field is. This allows you to deal with life from a better vantage point, but it also means you have a greater distance to fall. Attitude can affect altitude and direction of an airplane, and can mean the difference between soaring above the clouds or crashing into a mountain. Just so, your attitude towards your life or your focus in life can get you high or lead you to disaster. Mental attitude is very important to spiritual flight!
As you add velocity and momentum to your being, you will go in the direction that your attention is focused. If you are focused towards the successes in life, you will go in that direction. If you are focused towards the things that bum you out in life, you will go in that direction.
Getting Above Your Emotions
This cannot be emphasized enough. You need to concentrate a great deal on getting above the emotions, on getting above the emotional needs of this world, in order to get a vertical progression going. Students of sound current meditation learn there are places where you can do damage to yourself spiritually if you are emotionally unstable.
You must be able to very calmly and objectively analyze yourself. Naturally, there will be times when you react emotionally to some experience. But even when you are that way, there is a place inside of you, just watching, watching but not involved. That is the causal part of your being. You should be living your life from there. If you can stand back and look at yourself and analyze what you are doing and feeling, you are being causal. If you can learn how to remain causal, maintaining altitude is easy to do.
Altitude and Freedom: Horizontal & Vertical Progressions
A “horizontal progression” is one that develops skills or abilities at a certain level. Development in the physical world, learning a trade, building an organization–these are all horizontal. But then so are skills like clairvoyance, clairaudience, automatic writing, and performing magic. Those skills are developed horizontally from upper spiritual levels. They do not give access to appreciable altitude.
Learning how to progress up the “spiritual building,” to get near to the divine state of being, is a “vertical progression.”
This physical planet, this spiritual school, is a place to work on altitude. The traction provided by the physical body, combined with conscious velocity, makes a momentum of progressive spiritual experiences possible.
The momentum can either take you on a horizontal path, which eventually leads back to the physical beginning point, or it can take you up the vertical path to divine maturity. After you leave the physical body, you can still have learning processes, but it is infinitely harder to have a vertical progression, or gain altitude in the “spiritual building.” The mental and emotional distractions of the physical world make it very, very difficult.
Horizontal development is fairly easy in the physical and non-physical realms, but vertical progress is easy only while you have the traction of a physical body. For the amount of effort involved, you can get much more out of life by working on a vertical progression.
As you climb in the spiritual building, you reach realms where you are free of the physical universe. You are free of the laws of cause and effect, of karma, and of the Earth’s timeline. In essence, spiritual altitude gives you freedom …