As a child being raised by Methodist parents, I had a great deal of difficulty with the religion taught to me. That “God” needed me to pay homage to him seemed very foreign to me. Surely a being who could put the universe together did not need me to tell him he had it together and was living in the big time. If he worked with galaxies and stars, how could he possibly care about the insignificant creatures on one small planet? In addition, there were many discomforts involved in going to church on Sunday. Sitting on those hard, wooden pews was very painful for my young, energetic body. At about age eight I decided not only was I not a Methodist, I was also not a Christian. If “God” had not looked in on us in two thousand years, it seemed to me there could be some support for the premise that “God” did not really exist at all. So from age eight until age fourteen, I did not believe “God,” or whatever one wished to call it, had any basis in reality.

         During this time, I was intently and ardently looking for reality. In fact, my early interest in the spiritual side of life was centered around my search for reality.

          If one is looking for reality, one cannot avoid the night sky. The night sky said more to me than any creed or theology. The stars standing in their places across time convinced me they were not there by accident. Some intelligence much greater than my own had put that together, and that intelligence did not need my approval, admiration, or devotion. I was not about to practice devotion to “God,” but I did want contact. I wanted contact very much. To me, contact was more important than life.

          In the middle of all that, my parents moved the family to Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Methodist church we attended there was much bigger than our prior church. The minister was called “Doctor” instead of “Reverend,” because he had a doctorate in Theology. I asked my father what a Doctor of Theology was, and my father said he was a man who knew all there was to know about religion. Now, I was interested in all there was to know about religion, so I went to catechism class. Because a Doctor of Theology was teaching the class, and because he knew all there was to know about religion, I felt free to ask him a lot of questions. He always put me off, and I was getting a little frustrated, when finally, he invited me to his study one Saturday afternoon. As I walked to his study at the appointed time, I was on “cloud nine,” since I was certain all my questions were going to be answered. He was going to give me the straight stuff. I spent four hours with the man. In that time, I realized I knew more about religion than he did, simply because I knew I did not know anything.

          As I left the church that day, I said to myself, “If this guy, who is supposed to know everything does not know anything, I’m in big trouble.” Of course, the poor man knew a great deal about faith and how to practice it, but he knew nothing about the electrical and mechanical effects on one’s spirit. He knew nothing of the astral realms of life where faith is a great creative force, nor of the realms above those where practicing faith is considered very bad manners. He was a little man in a big church who knew a lot about a mythology of an alleged “God,” but nothing of the Divine Creator of the Universe of Universes, and of course, nothing at all about the energies of creation that light the fire of life in every being. That was what my temporal mind needed to be reminded of. I needed to be reminded of the direction in which to seek life. Which way is life from here? Which way reality? … 

Spiritual Sight

          There is much to say about sight. We tend to relate only to physical eyesight, but there are many other ways to “see” not involving the physical eyes. You “see” in your dreams, even though your physical eyes are closed. In every realm of life, one has a corresponding “physical” body, but one has to learn how to use it just as the developing physical child had to learn again how to use a physical body. A baby learns how to see with its new physical eyes, and in the process, often lets go of its non-physical, visual imaging faculties. If you see in these inner realms, then there is much you can learn.  Unfortunately, we teach our children these are illusions and that they must let go of these image-processing faculties.

          To see in the inner realms, you need a good, clean diet. I recommend no sugar, chocolate, milk products, mushrooms, alcohol, or drugs. And the physical body should be exercised to the point of perspiring at least once every three days. We have tested all this with many of our students and have found this to be the case more often than not. Try it out and see what happens.

          Then, sitting either inside or outside, pick a point in front of you at about eye level. Fix your physical eyes on this point by directly looking at it. Now do not move your eyes until the exercise is over.

          Now, in peripheral vision, pick a point to the left that can be easily noticed and shift only your attention to this point or object (not moving your physical eyes). The more you can focus your attention the better. You will feel a tension around your eyes, and they might water, but they will soon relax. Go now to the right side of your vision and do the same until your eyes relax again. Then, continuing to look ahead, focus your attention down on another point or object. Finally, direct your attention up and find another point or object to focus on, each time holding the focus until the tension in the eyes lets go.  When the tension lets go after focusing up, the exercise is over.  Practice this as much as you can, at least three times a day. If you “meditate,” do it before meditation, open your eyes and do it half way through, and again do it at the end. For this to really work for you, you must do it as much as you can, whenever you have a free moment.  There is much, much more to do in learning to see, but this is the beginning. If you do not master this exercise, then the time will come as you progress upward when you cannot hold your vision together anymore. I have often heard seers say they eventually came to a place beyond where there was no form. What they were really saying was that they had lost control of their focus, and thus, of vision.

          When you can “see” beyond the limitations of your physical eyes, you will know from your own, personal, firsthand experience that indeed you are not limited to the life span of the physical body, but are actually immortal …