The Divine Egg & Your View of Life
The Divine Egg, the light of consciousness that moves up and down your spine, is the REAL YOU. The Sense-of-Sight, which you have been learning to identify and control, operates out of and in relation to the Divine Egg. The physical eyes can give you a pretty good read-out on the physical world. The third eye can give you more information, mostly on the astral counterpart of the world around you. But the Sense-of-Sight can give you information from any level, depending on where you tell it to look AND DEPENDING ON WHERE THE DIVINE EGG IS POSITIONED.
The chakra behind which the Divine Egg lives will run your mind and your general direction in life, because the Sense-of-Sight will be focused from whatever vantage point the Divine Egg is located at. The reality of a person who views life from behind the solar plexus is much different from the reality of a person who views life from the heart chakra. Is it any wonder that reality is so difficult to pinpoint?
Because the Divine Egg moves, your view of life changes. If you are willing to let go of your picture of reality, the view can change dramatically. Meditation can cause the Divine Egg to move up the spine so your view of life will improve. This is especially apparent if you are seeing pictures and scenes while you meditate. When it is behind a lower, negative chakra the pictures will be dark and dismal. As it moves up the pictures are more and more pleasant to look at. Similarly, if your physical life is presenting you with ugly, depressing scenes, your Divine Egg is probably stuck behind a negative chakra.
As it moves up the spine, you have conscious access to higher and higher spiritual realms. This process of moving higher in the spiritual structure is called “gaining altitude.”
The Value of Altitude
How far can you see from where you sit or stand right now? If you had 20/20 vision and could see through walls, how far would it be from horizon to horizon? A few blocks? At the most, a few miles. Now imagine that you can zoom straight up in an elevator to the height of a 20-story building. Step out on the observation deck and look around. Now it is miles and miles from horizon to horizon. You can see the layout of the town, the roads leading in and out. Seeing the obstacles and shortcuts from this vantage point, you can determine which are the quickest or most scenic routes. You can even see if your friend’s car is in his driveway or parked at the office. You can tell a lot from up here.
Altitude broadens your horizons. Physical altitude broadens your physical horizons. Spiritual altitude broadens your spiritual horizons. How many times has life presented you with a situation where you needed to make a decision on which way to go, only to find it difficult to choose among the many possibilities? Sometimes it just seems safer to make no decision rather than embark on a future whose outcome you cannot predict. Or maybe none of the possibilities life is presenting to you look appealing. You just know you need a change, but you cannot figure out what the change should be.
Always go for altitude. Meditation will pull you higher in your being and will broaden your perspective on your life situation. Meditate and listen to what Life is telling you. Look for the opportunities and you’ll see that more and better opportunities are coming your way.
Often when life gets hectic or rough, the tendency is to feel you have no time to meditate, that other things are more important. But usually these are the times when you most need to meditate. You need the spiritual altitude to put things in proper perspective.
If one really wants to grow spiritually, one should look at all of life’s situations, analyzing them in relation to how much spiritual altitude is offered in each situation. What is the altitude potential in a particular relationship? What is the altitude potential in a job? What is the altitude potential in relation to the friends you keep? Emotional decisions go in an emotional direction. Yes, there will be conditions and situations you will for a time have to tolerate. But when you find life’s conditions less than ideal ask life, “What am I supposed to learn from this?” Learning the lessons life presents to us gives us access to altitude. Spiritual altitude and wisdom are the only things of real value that you can acquire here and take with you into the next realm of life.
Meditation should be a spiritual practice that gives the meditator the most spiritual altitude available in relation to their own physical world circumstances …