One of the most encouraging aspects of meditation is that it gives you the means to understand that life is eternal. The body may die, but the physical body is merely a vehicle for conscious experience on the physical plane. The vital essence of your being is housed in finer structures and is not limited to the physical body’s abilities and limitations. Here are the various parts of your spiritual structure that are major factors in your perception of daily life and experience:
The Spiritual Spine & Chakras
The primary spiritual energy charge comes into the being at the hair swirl at the upper back of the head at the crown chakra. This energy flows down along the spine, touching each chakra, and passing on down to the kundalini, just below the sex chakra, where it drives the kundalini and causes it to produce a useable “house” current. It then flows back up, touching the chakras again, and finally out the top of the head.
The chakras have an electrical polarity, either negative or positive. Normally the chakras above the solar plexus carry a positive charge and the ones below a negative charge. The solar plexus charge can be either negative or positive. This depends a lot on the type of activities the individual engages in and will usually affect the polarity of the thoughts that surface from time to time in the mind.
Each chakra can be viewed as a spinning vortex, opening out into the world. They are often compared to flowers, such as roses, probably because they can open and close. Probably whoever saw them that way had not seen free-standing automobile headlights, nor understood how the iris of the eye functions. They can also be seen as free-standing automobile headlights with an iris in the front of then, but also they are shaped much like dish antennas. The chakras feed energy into the spine, but also project it out in front of the physical body, even for a considerable distance. The color of the chakra is determined by several factors, some internal to the individual being and some external. Internally there are several different primary tone patterns. The chakras are also affected by the velocity of their spin and by the color they may absorb from contact with the outside world, and are part of a communication system. We broadcast information from them, and we pick up information through them. By information I mean a relatively slow form of energy that carries color patterns. The mind is able to interpret the color patterns as information. When we are moved by the information we pick up through the chakras, we are experiencing the mind’s reaction to the chakra color picked up by a particular chakra, or perhaps several chakras, and the color information being relayed to the mind. The mind reads this chakra color as story line, or setting …
In its normal configuration the kundalini cradles the coccyx, or bottom bone of the spine. The kundalini, like the chakras, is also a spinning structure, but its open end faces up the spine towards the head. With inner vision it is possible to see a light shining up the spine from the kundalini. The color of the kundalini depends largely on the speed at which it is spinning. The kundalini takes the high voltage primary cosmic energy that enters the being through the crown chakra (hair swirl) and transforms it into a useable energy. Some types of meditation increase the amount and rate of flow of energy entering into your being, so the kundalini will be able to produce more energy for consciousness. Eventually, the kundalini will be able to power the Divine Egg (scarab), or seat of consciousness, up the spine. As this happens you will experience greater and greater awakeness or consciousness …
The Divine Egg
The Divine Egg or scarab is the seat of consciousness in your being. It is the real you, the part that lives even when the body dies. It is shaped somewhat like a scarab beetle, which could explain why the ancient Egyptians worshipped the scarab beetle. The scarab is actually a small light that moves up and down the spiritual spine. How fast it moves and in what direction depends on how much conscious energy you are running and on your control of focus. As this light of consciousness moves up and down the spine, so moves the individual perception of life … either up into higher spiritual realms or down into lower, slower levels of consciousness. It resides behind whichever chakra is most often excited or is currently excited. You view life from the perspective of this chakra. The chakra behind which the light of consciousness, or real you, lives will run your mind and the general direction of your life.
Chakra Identities
Just as the various nerves that travel up and down the spine branch out to feed and dominate the various internal organs and things of the physical body, so do the chakras relate to various physical, emotional, and spiritual functions of life. Each chakra has a particular area of involvement and generally they are responsible for the physical organs in their proximity.
The sex chakra is naturally involved with the health of the sexual organs and the expression of the sexual nature of the individual. The abdomen chakra relates to the elimination system, and it has much to do with how one’s body processes toxins and rebuilds itself. It is therefore a chakra largely responsible for the physical health of the individual. Digestion and assimilation of foods is handled by the stomach chakra.
The solar plexus with its dual polarity prepares the body for “fight or flight.” The negative mode is felt as fear, jealousy, anxiety, and dread. As a positive chakra it is capable of storing spiritual energy for strength and power. The next chakra up, the heart chakra, is associated with love feelings (affection rather than sexual), and it is also a battery for storing a strong positive charge. We call the heart chakra the “kingpin,” because it has the capability of affecting the electrical polarity of all the other chakras. When excited with a positive charge it can turn all the chakras positive. Conversely, when negative it can turn them all negative.
The throat chakra relates to the thyroid (and other nearby glandular systems) and to the individual’s creativity and expression of feeling. The third eye, as its name would indicate, is a seeing mechanism that relates to intuition and astral vision, different from what we call Sense-of-Sight. It is much more efficiently used as a battery to store light energy. The crown chakra is capable of processing the cosmic energy that enters the individual through the top of the head. It is a doorway, as are all of the chakras.
For our purposes right now, it will suffice to have enough knowledge to understand how your view of life is colored, literally, by your chakra information. With a little self-observation you can identify where you are in your being and begin to recognize when you are moving up or down.
In meditation, if you totally relax your physical eyes, with them closed, and disassociate your spiritual Sense-of-Sight from physical vision, in time your black background scene will dissolve into another picture. This picture will contain a lot of information. It will be determined by the position of your scarab in relation to the spine and which chakra it is in proximity to. If your picture has you flying in the clouds, then your scarab is probably above the top of your head. If it shows you in a dark cave or a large concrete room you are probably below the physical spine. There are, of course, many realms in between, and these will have a recurring or dominant color tone. This dominant tone relates to the chakra the scarab is closest to.
All of the chakra functions can be brought under the control of the mind and mental programming. Indeed, your personality and the way you relate to the physical world about you is the result of previous programming, programming that may not necessarily be valid anymore, or that was not entirely healthy at the time it was put into your system.
There is a secret to getting all this functioning correctly … just meditate, and consistently do your time …