If you could achieve total vision so you could “see” all of yourself, you would see that you are made up of chords of music, spectrums of light, and an array of magnetic fields. These are the containers of the energy you are growing into. We are light and sound, and much closer in our make-up to stars than the animals we live with.
Often I have heard it said that we humans are light beings, made of light, and in our true essence, we are light. From another quarter I have heard it is the ringing sound within our beings that nourishes the life force within us. These concepts seem to be at odds with each other, yet in many ways both are true. As you progress up through the spiritual realms of life, each successive realm has a little more light and the light is brighter and stronger. This continues until the light energy you are exposed to is dazzling to the being whose perception is tuned to normal Earth level light. It is possible to tune your sensitivity to light so that even in the seventy-fifth level above the physical world, the light is perceived as normal. Light in the higher regions is much like light in the physical world. One similarity is that it has temperature. Light has temperature.
In some spiritual circles it is said that spirit light does not burn. In my experience, and I have seen and worked with quite a few lights, there is no such thing as light without temperature. However, in the way our physical and spiritual aspects relate, it is difficult to feel the effects on our structures. Our feeling tends to relate to the physical body. Of the lights I have seen, some are neon-like while others are more like suns. The light you “see” can have a great deal of heat on the level you are seeing it on. Still, you may be unaware of the effects of the heat. I have talked to many people who claim to have brought this light right into their physical bodies and how wonderful it made them feel. As I talk to them, I am looking at eyes that are blank. There is no light of intelligence in them, and they seem to be living in some dazzled world where everything is blissfully wonderful. The physical body’s life momentum carries on, and apparently, the astral vehicle’s functional ability remains, but the light of life is not apparent, if it is there. Light, at a proper distance, is great. Inside your own being, you better know very well what you are doing …
The ringing sound in your ears or head, often called the “sound current” and by many as “tinnitus,” seems to be one or two, sometimes three notes. It is actually a combination of notes all played together. I would compare it to a piece of classical music played by a symphony orchestra in which all the notes in the symphony are played at the same time. Even closer to the truth, there are three symphony orchestras all playing all the notes in the same piece of music at the same moment. There are several parts to the sound. These parts of the song of life have a lot to do with what we are and what we become. Each of us is a very distinct piece of music, and as we live, we modify the score. Each spiritual level also has a prevailing tone pattern, with a rhythm and a melody, or chaos and discords. This too, we do to ourselves.
In physical life, when the body is new and growing, the sound current energy comes first to the physical body. Consciousness (the part of you that knows you are alive) and awareness (the part of you that reports sensory and spiritual information to consciousness) get what is left after the body has used what it needs. This is the same energy I referred to as spirit level value energy. This energy has many properties similar to electricity, although it is at a different place on the electromagnetic spectrum. There are many similarities, but there are also some interesting, if not a little confusing, differences. For instance, take a bar magnet and charge it with electricity. It has a north pole at one end and a south pole at the other end with magnetic lines of force running between them. This is a stable condition, and unless hit very hard, the poles stay the same. The north pole is considered to be positive and the south pole negative. Now take another bar magnet, a human spine, and charge it with spiritual sound current electrical energy. It can have a positive pole at the top (head) and a negative pole at the bottom (base of spine). This is a normal condition, if you are careful about what you eat and drink. But in only a moment, it can change to positive at the bottom and negative at the top. The whole world goes upside down very quickly when your energy is reversed this way. Further, there can be a negative pole at both ends, and as all things must balance, there can also be a positive pole at both ends. Each of the chakras in the astral body has a positive or negative charge, and this greatly affects your outlook and perspective to life. These spiritual energy polar charges can change very quickly and often, seemingly, without reason. They often respond to information consciousness has no inkling of.
The solar plexus chakra has a large influence on your mood. It can switch very quickly from positive to negative and for very little reason. If it is negative, it has a tendency to pull all the other chakras negative. The chakras below the solar plexus are normally negative. The ones above it are normally positive.
When the physical body is mature, a greater portion of sound current energy is made available to awareness. This happens in the late twenties or early thirties. Technically, there is much more energy available for consciousness at this time. However, by now the physical being may have locked into a life situation that does not encourage spiritual growth. The result, at this point in the physical life of most people, is that a great deal of spiritual energy is wasted. As physical life goes on, at some point the spirit, which is far more what you are than the physical expression is, decides it has learned all it can or wants to from the current physical life. At that time, all the sound current energy is switched to, and powers, awareness first. Without the sustaining flow of sound current energy, the physical body begins a slow decline back to the dust it came from. How much life momentum it has accumulated determines the time involved in its decline. In time, the living entity passes from the physical plane, and without the ties and drag of the physical body, it is able to live at a much higher velocity. Notice I said “able to,” which means the higher velocity condition is not automatic. Whatever happens to you after physical life is over, you have surely already done to yourself.
After the being leaves the physical life behind, the temporal mind acts like a second stage rocket. It stays with the being for a while, much freer without the demands of the physical. But its energy source is tied to the physical, so that in a few years the temporal mind’s life momentum starts to drop quickly. This is particularly true if the vital being develops interests in the region where it is now primarily conscious.
Consciousness in the non-physical state of being (I really do not like the term “death” or “dead” … when you are dead supposedly nothing is happening … in reality only the physical body is dead … the condition consciousness is capable of experiencing would be better explained as having returned to life.) still comes out second best, because the primary energy charge is now going to awareness, and awareness makes its displays (sight, sound, etc.) to consciousness much faster than the speed at which consciousness is used to functioning …