Vortexes often appear to be natural, and this is because once set in motion they seem to run for a very long period of time. The main energy structure of the vortex is on the spirit level of life. The laws of ceremonial magic are very important on this level. The intensity of these laws and the energy frequency they operate at make the spirit level of life seem to be much more real than the physical level of life is here on Earth. The intensity of the laws of the spirit realms causes a spirit level to exist that is every bit as much a hard level of life as this physical world is to incarnated humans. Many fine mystic orders have tried to master the spirit laws in order to influence physical laws. This will work to a degree and seems to have much promise, but it is a very hard lesson that will end in the being going nowhere (no path up), and in being nowhere, will think that they have finally figured it all out.
On every level of life there are horizontal progressions and vertical progressions. The horizontal progressions always seem to go somewhere and never do (at least spiritually), while the vertical progressions are always difficult to find and seem to go nowhere, but they always do go somewhere. When one is involved in a spirit level life on the spirit physical level of existence, it is just as hard to look up into the higher levels of life as it is to do so from the earth-bound physical life existence. The physical laws that produce and sustain the physical planet appear to pervade the universe, and to a certain extent this is true, but the spirit physical laws drive and sustain the planetary physical laws. Spirit physical laws include, sustain, and drive the laws that the stars in the universe live by. While the stars appear to live by physical laws, it is the spirit laws that cause the physical laws to function. Above the spirit laws and commanding them just as they command physical law, is galactic law. Galactic law commands and sustains the stars, and it is galactic law that creates and destroys stars and the momentums in their life. Stars are alive every bit as much as you are alive. Their progression in evolution includes a progression similar to your progression in evolution. Galactic law also drives the energy field of the vortex. While few humans can reach into a vortex and manage the galactic energy there, it is possible to do so.
The elements have a physical-spirit-physical progression similar to the human spirit-physical-spirit progression. It has fascinated me that elements remember life at the star level of intensity, while most humans do not remember living on the spirit level of life. The elemental progression can provide great clues to the human conscious spirit progression. The alchemists and most mystic and magic orders attempt to force the elemental progression without understanding the human spirit conscious progression.
The energy in a vortex generated by a medicine wheel has representations in it of all the energies of creation. One can, depending on one’s orientation to these energies, do many things. The vortex can be a stairway to spirit level life, but it is not prudent to play with these energies. Each and every human has their own private vortex in the upper back of their head. While the way to higher spirit life appears to lead through the crown chakra at the top of the head, this is not true. The real cosmic accessing vortex is at the hair swirl, and one must understand before accessing this secret stairway that all life is equal. This universe is a part of a great school. All life is involved in this school. The energies and elements are in kindergarten. What we call plant life is elementary school, and living; self-mobile life forms are in junior high school. Primates are in high school, and most humans are working at graduating from high school. Many humans are at the college level and a lesser number are attending university here. A few are working on their graduate thesis for a university (a double meaning here).
So, a vortex is a spiritual, cosmic energy system set in motion by a medicine wheel. Once in motion the vortex is not necessarily dependent upon the physical medicine wheel anymore. The energy can be polluted and interrupted by human emotional energy junk. Thus, it is good to meditate near a vortex but not in it. This allows the vortex to clean your emotional energy without itself getting involved in it. Vortexes operate by laws as a part of divine geometry and normally do not have a conscious energy being managing them.
Lights manifest through a different part of the laws of divine geometry, and they generally do have a conscious energy being managing them. Their apparent access is only into the astral and near causal realms of the heaven worlds. But some lights offer a much higher access when one knows how to manage their energies. Lights are much more complex structures than vortexes, and here I only intend to give enough information to allow one to gain some vertical access through them, particularly if one should pass from physical life in a somewhat low energy state.
Local Lights exist in many areas. They are often located at the mouths of rivers, at the junction of two rivers that flow together and make another river, and high points of ground including, of course, most mountains. Many points of land jutting out into a body of water have lights. Valleys in a mountainous region may have lights and many of these are where towns locate. So often town centers or town parks are where a light has been for ages. When one can see with spirit vision, local lights appear to be about three hundred feet above the ground and can be various hues of mother of pearl to bright silver in color. Only attempt to access spirit levels through bright silver-colored lights. The color of a light indicates its condition, just as the color of your sun aura indicates your condition.
When you are conscious in your own being on the level that is aware of the lights, it is good to have the information that is presented in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series, having read The Hobbit first, of course.
Regional Lights are very similar to local lights, but are usually three to five thousand feet above ground and are subtler in energy and more difficult to register. Prominent mountains, large valleys, large rivers, etc., are the likely places to find regional lights. Mt. Shasta, Mt. Hood, and Mt. Rainier all have major regional lights. The planet has a spirit level envelope about it just as it has a physical level envelope, and each has its own topography. The spirit level topography is generally about eight thousand feet above the physical level topography, but at certain places, such as on Mt. Shasta and Mt. Rainier, there are areas where the physical and spiritual topography coincide. Thus, these places feel very spiritual. Again, regional lights can range in color from mother of pearl to bright silver-white. The mother of pearl, colored lights need to be cleaned, and those who can clean these lights are very few and very busy in this world.
When you are out of body, either temporarily or when you are in need of a new one, stand beneath a light and remember all the funny things that happened to you in your life, the favorite jokes that made you laugh. Remember the times when you were very happy, and as you do this you will find you are floating off the ground. Continue to do this and as you gain altitude you will remember more and more funny incidences, and each will access more altitude until you penetrate the light. Within the local lights there are about ten levels of access. The happier you can make yourself the higher access you have. You are in a spiritual elevator, and when you can go no higher you will find there is a door out into a heaven world from this place.
The lights are the pearly gates that religions talk about. They are access points into the near higher levels of life, the heaven worlds if you would call them that. But you do not have to die to have experience in these realms. It is possible to access them in meditation, if you know the way …